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The number of single women homeowners continues to surpass the number of single men homeowners

Single women are a force to be reckoned with in residential real estate.

Despite dealing with lower incomes than men, a pricey housing market and increasingly expensive mortgages, they comprise the second largest group of homebuyers — and have done every year since 1981, according to the National Association of Realtors (NAR). As of 2023, single women made up 17 percent of all homebuyers. Single men, by contrast, accounted for just 9 percent. (Couples, both married and unmarried, remain the dominant group: buyers in about 70 percent of real estate purchases.)

While they often have to sacrifice to make it happen, single women are a very determined, motivated group of buyers and they’re not letting daunting odds prevent them from achieving the American Dream of homeownership.

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